MIPS Reporting Made Easy: RevAspire Pays for Itself


  • MIPS reporting can be a burdensome task for optometrists.
  • RevAspire takes the reporting burden off optometrists, allowing them more time to focus on patients.
  • Use of RevAspire helps optometrists get all the CMS/MIPS reimbursements to which they’re entitled — without the reporting headaches.
  • If your practice spends four or more hours a month on quality reporting, RevAspire will pay for itself from day one.

MIPS reporting can be a mixed blessing for optometrists. While healthcare providers keep some of the busiest schedules of any profession, their government-compliance requirements are among the most demanding. Financial incentives for compliance with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) are available, but they frequently require hours of work.

RevolutionEHR‘s RevAspire can ease the frustration of MIPS reporting for optometrists — while paying for itself for increased ROI from your optometry EHR.

MIPS Reporting with RevAspire

Because RevolutionEHR has been the leader in quality optometry reporting education for over a decade, we know the ins and outs of MIPS. Engaging our EHR-enabled solution can help your optometry practice bolster your bottom line while easing your MIPS reporting burden.

Here, we lay out six benefits of using RevAspire for your MIPS reporting.

Offloaded Responsibilities

Physicians cite administrative tasks and paperwork as two of the main causes of burnout in their profession, and it’s no wonder. In a 2018 survey, nearly one-third of respondents reported spending 20 or more hours a week on such tasks. Your practice can slash this time significantly with RevAspire.

In addition to saving time, RevAspire:

  • Interprets CMS requirements. MIPS reporting for optometrists can be onerous, entailing more than 1,000 pages of government rules and counting. RevAspire manages these complex requirements for you.
  • Gathers reporting data. Don’t spend your time and resources pulling together data when our system can do it in less time and with greater accuracy.
  • Keeps you up to date on CMS programs. In 2022 alone, CMS made significant changes to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Final Rule, which governs MIPS. Changes include several made to the improvement activities category as well as amendments to the weights of each performance category.In addition, CMS amends the quality measure inventory every year. Few physicians have the time or inclination to keep track of such frequent movement. RevAspire acts as your own compliance team, keeping track of the changes so you don’t have to.

Maximum Reimbursement

Your MIPS score has a direct impact on your Medicare reimbursement, so getting your submissions right is crucial. By giving CMS an accurate accounting of all you’re doing for your Medicare patients, RevAspire makes sure you don’t leave any money on the table.

By getting you maximum reimbursement, RevAspire pays for itself right away. The median per-hour gross revenue of an OD is $402, according to a 2018 Management & Business Academy report.

How many hours would registration, self-guided research, and learning and regular data gathering and analysis of your Medicare patients take you and your staff? If it’s more than four hours per month — and for the vast majority of physicians and practices, it is —  RevAspire saves you money from day one.

filling out a form

High-level Support

Optometrists going it alone with CMS reporting are likely to have questions along the way. You may sometimes feel like you’re only guessing at the correct interpretation of various requirements.

RevAspire eliminates that worry; its clients get the on-demand expertise of its team of CMS and MIPS reporting advisers, directly through the software. If you want even more support, you can retain a dedicated adviser/monitor who will guide your practice performance and handle submissions for you.

This guidance can be of particular help to smaller practices, where the majority of U.S. doctors still work. As Linda Girgis, MD, writes in an article for Physicians Practice:

“When even the data experts seem to struggle on the implications of MIPS, how are busy providers supposed to understand? Many providers are employed by hospitals or large groups who have departments dedicated to the task. Doctors in small practices don’t have anyone but themselves to do it. Yet, it is imperative to learn to avoid being financially penalized.”

RevAspire can act as that dedicated department for smaller optometry practices and take MIPS compliance off their minds.

Access to Valuable Resources

When you become a RevolutionEHR user, you become part of a community. We offer regular topical webinars, the option to join social media communities for real-time webinars and discussions with other RevolutionEHR users, and a customer-service portal, complete with full resource center.

If you need more help, RevAspire acts as your own support team, available directly through the software and ready to respond to any questions and concerns you might have.

Audit Management

Just as you don’t want to be on the receiving end of an IRS audit, you don’t want to be tapped for a MIPS audit. “As you prepare to submit data, know that all MIPS data that you or your vendor submit will be subject to what CMS calls ‘data validation and auditing,’” writes David Doolittle in a blog post for the Texas Medical Association.

When you’re a RevAspire customer, we take care of your submissions and make sure they stand up to CMS scrutiny. More importantly, you’ll never have to worry about being audited because we handle all customer audits. RevAspire experts prepare customers’ formal responses to help them pass. In fact, no RevAspire-partnered physician has ever failed a quality reporting audit.

Time to Focus on Your Patients

Before MIPS was introduced, according to one comprehensive study, doctors “spent 27% of their time in their offices seeing patients and 49.2% of their time doing paperwork,” writes Bruce Y. Lee in an article for Forbes. “Even when the doctors were in the examination room with patients, they were spending only 52.9% of the time talking to or examining the patients and 37.0% doing…you guessed it…paperwork.”

That percentage has increased since passage of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), which created MIPS. Turning these painstaking administrative duties over to RevAspire instead of attempting them yourself will help you spend more time caring for your patients with less risk of burnout.

Join the Ranks!

ODs everywhere are saving hundreds of hours and getting all the money to which they are entitled for their work with Medicare patients. If you’d like to join them and say goodbye to MIPS-related headaches, request a free demonstration of RevAspire today.