Creative Strategies: Fresh Optometry Marketing Ideas for 2024


  • With fresh optometry marketing ideas, you can set your practice apart in 2024 for boosted patient attraction and retention. 
  • Embrace new marketing strategies like educational content creation, community vision health events, and loyalty and referral programs. 
  • Implementing innovative marketing strategies like offering virtual try-on technology, telehealth services, and social media challenges can boost patient engagement. 
  • Support your marketing efforts with patient communication platforms like RevConnect, which allow for convenient SMS texting, email campaigns, and performance-tracking dashboards.

For your optometry business to succeed, it’s important to draw in and keep patients from your local area. To encourage loyalty and raise your profits, introduce innovative optometry marketing ideas that bring in new patients and keep your existing ones connected to your practice.

To help you attract new patients and foster loyalty in your eye care practice, explore these optometry marketing strategies to help you stand out in 2024.

Virtual Try-On Technology

Incorporate virtual try-on technology on your practice’s website, app, or social media pages for a patient-focused eye care marketing idea. This technology allows customers to virtually try on glasses from their homes, using augmented reality to enhance their shopping experience.

Consider marketing this service in email campaigns, flyers, or office pamphlets to get the word out and draw people to your practice. With a convenient digital try-before-you-buy platform, you can improve the customer experience and make finding the right eyewear at your clinic fun and engaging.

Educational Content Creation

Focus on educational optometry content marketing for your practice for an impactful marketing approach. A recent marketing industry study found that consumers are 131% more likely to purchase a product or service after reading educational content, making it an effective strategy for your eye care business.

Educational content can include informative blog posts on eye health, common vision problems, or infographics about the latest eyewear trends. Share this content with your website, social media, or mass emails to patients to hold followers’ interest and encourage them to set up an appointment at the end of each post.

Educational information can establish trust with patients, boosting your practice’s visibility and credibility online. Bonus: It can also help establish you as a thought leader in your field.

Community Vision Health Events

Plan and execute community vision health events as a proactive marketing approach to increase patient traffic. These hands-on initiatives could involve hosting or sponsoring local activities like free vision screenings, educational seminars, or children’s vision health fairs. You can find helpful resources through the American Optometric Association (AOA), including marketing materials and eye health topics.

Engagement with your community contributes to eye health awareness and helps develop personal connections with potential patients. This grassroots strategy builds your practice’s local reputation and positions you as a trusted partner in eye care, driving growth and supporting lasting relationships within your community.

Loyalty and Referral Programs

More than 50% of people look to friends or family members for recommendations when choosing a healthcare provider, making loyalty and referral programs the perfect way to add to your marketing strategy. These initiatives incentivize customer loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals, strengthening your practice’s client base.

Consider offering rewards such as discounts on frames, complimentary services, or exclusive access to new products. When customers receive these rewards, they feel appreciated and acknowledged, which encourages loyalty and additional referrals to your eye care practice.

Social Media Challenges or Campaigns

Bolster your impact by focusing on digital marketing for optometrists, like social media challenges and campaigns. For instance, launch a hashtag challenge that prompts users to share pictures of their favorite glasses and talk about their vision improvement experiences.

Execute optometry marketing campaigns highlighting customer testimonials or featuring behind-the-scenes glimpses of your practice. This can increase your online presence and encourage user-generated content, broadening your reach and making you the go-to practice in your location.

viewing optometry marketing ideas on a tablet

Telehealth Services

Expand your practice’s reach with telehealth services. By offering virtual consultations or follow-ups, you provide a convenient option, especially for patients in areas with limited access to traditional optometry services.

Incorporating this technology can increase your client base and improve customer satisfaction through flexibility and accessibility. For improved remote eye care, consider offering services like personalized virtual frame fittings, remote contact lens consultations, and at-home vision therapy sessions.

Personalized Email Marketing

Use patient data to create targeted and personalized email campaigns. For instance, you can send customized reminders for scheduled check-up appointments or offer exclusive promotions on new eyewear selections based on their previous purchases.

Tailoring your messages to individual needs can increase email open rates and help your patients feel seen and heard regarding their specific issues. Carefully chosen email campaign topics show your patients that you care about their eye health and preferences, making them more likely to choose your practice for their optometry needs.

Eco-Friendly and Social Initiatives

Consider niche marketing for optometry, using eco-friendly practices and social responsibility in your marketing strategy. For instance, promote sustainable eyewear products or support vision charities, like OneSight, which promotes accessible eye care to underserved nations worldwide.

You can also focus on sustainability using cloud-based patient intake and communication software that eliminates paper waste at your practice. Have patients fill out digital intake forms before they arrive to show your commitment to convenience and eco-friendly practices.

optometrist using a tablet for optometry marketing ideas

How to Boost Optometry Marketing With RevConnect

RevConnect is a digital patient communication tool that can help support your marketing efforts. As an add-on service to RevolutionEHR, it’s integrated with all areas of your practice’s performance, making connecting with patients easy.

Here’s how RevConnect can supercharge your marketing efforts.

  • SMS two-way texting. This tool allows for instant communication with your patients. By enabling two-way texting, you can ask for feedback, answer queries, and conduct personalized interactions like birthday messages or special offers, making your marketing efforts more responsive and targeted.
  • Email campaigns. With RevConnect Campaigns, you can easily customize your email marketing to specific patient demographics. Whether introducing new products or updating safety procedures, you can reach out to the right people at the right time.
  • Recall reminders. Send out automated recall reminders through RevConnect for improved patient retention. These reminders help keep your practice in patients’ minds, encouraging repeat visits for better care continuity.
  • Order status updates. Keep your patients informed about the status of their optical orders. Regular, proactive updates are a powerful marketing tool that reinforces your commitment to service excellence and improves the customer experience.
  • Online reputation management. RevConnect helps you manage your practice’s online reputation with real-time performance-tracking dashboards. Metrics like appointments, recall, recare, and order success rates help you know where you stand and where to focus your marketing efforts.

Improve Your Marketing Efforts With RevolutionEHR

Improve your marketing initiatives with RevolutionEHR, the perfect tool to streamline your practice’s operations and marketing strategies. Integrating RevolutionEHR allows you to focus on what truly matters — growing your practice and connecting with your patients.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your business. Download our Marketing Playbook for Optometry today and take the first step toward developing an effective strategy for your marketing efforts.

a new vision for your optometry practice